21 Consul Street, Fairview, Quezon City


SMARTGeo Surveying and Geomatics was founded by a group of young and vibrant geodetic engineers on January 2017. The company primarily seeks to provide geodetic surveying services, such as land surveys, horizontal and vertical control surveys, cadastral surveys, land development surveys, mining surveys, photogrammetric surveys, construction surveys, industrial surveys for the installation of machineries, preparation and submission of engineering survey plans, and subdivision and consolidation of titled/untitled properties.

To keep up with the constantly changing and more competitive landscape in the industry, SMARTGeo also caters to services which requires geospatial data management, including data processing and storage, systems design and analysis, software package development, and programming. It also offers services related to remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS), aerial mapping and computer-aided design (CAD). Our goal is to exceed the expectations of every client by offering outstanding technical service, increased versatility, and greater value, thus optimizing system functionality and improving operation efficiency. Our associates’ functional and technical expertise, combined with their hands-on experience, ensures that our clients receive the highest form of professional service that SMARTGeo can provide.

We are continually expanding our knowledge and services to assist our clients by giving them top of the line engineering services. Exceptional, functional and technical expertise coupled with extensive background in the industry makes SMARTGeo the ideal choice for a consulting firm to manage and handle surveying and mapping works that are up-to-date, accurate and definitely worth our clients’—our partners’—trust.


To be a leader in surveying and GIS industry by providing enhanced services, relationship and top of the line techniques.


To build long term partnership with our clientele and provide exceptional technical services by pursuing business through continuous innovation and advanced technology.


To achieve sustainability and offer excellent products and services that can support our clients’ own projects and systems.


We incorporate creativity, honesty, integrity and business ethics in all aspects of our business implementation.


To build good reputation in the field of geodetic engineering and become a key player in the industry.

Make the SMART choice :)

Engr. Sarah Jane D. Samalburo

Geodetic Engineer-Real Estate Broker/Appraiser

Engr. Gerome B. Hipolito
VP for Technical and Operations

Geodetic Engineer-Real Estate Appraiser

Engr. Analyn M. Naldo-Masarate
VP for Administration and Human Resources

Geodetic Engineer-Real Estate Broker/Appraiser

Engr. Ma. Joanne I. Balaga
VP for Finance and Sales

Geodetic Engineer-Real Estate Appraiser

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